Monday, March 12, 2012

Photo A Day: Plants

Photo A Day: Plants
My sad jade plant did not take to it's new digs.  But seeing the vibrant green stems renews my desire to add some more plants to the house.  Now if only my kitties wouldn't dig through the dirt looking for treasures!

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Photo A Day: Tomatoes

Tomatoes???  I decided that I would like to work on my mad photo skills.  The only way to create beautiful photos is to keep practicing and practicing.  I spent the day shooting jewelry, which is so intricate and at times maddening.  At the end of the shoot, I needed to photograph something with pop - hence the tomatoes!  Which led me to thinking about joining the photo a day movement.  Perhaps, there's something to it!  Sharpen my skills and have a bit of fun while shooting something other than gems.  So I'm hoping (fingers crossed here) that I can keep at it. 
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